I am very happy to present you my first sewing pattern: the Camí dress!
The Camí dress is a very versatile shirt dress: with its sleeve variation, it can be worn all year long… Version A has short sleeves and version B has 3/4 length sleeve with cuffs.
I have been in love with the classic style of shirt dresses for a long time and that’s why I wanted to design one as my first pattern. Make the Camí dress in a cute printed cotton for a casual look or choose a bright cotton sateen or silk blend for a more elegant touch: from day to night, the Camí will make an impression with its retro silhouette.
The dress buttons down from the clasic shirt collar to the waist and for more comfort, there is also a side zipper. There are inseam pockets as they are so practical. The high-waist and full, gathered skirt are so typical of the 50’s fashion, you know how much I love those details 🙂
The pattern and instructions are available as PDF files in English, Spanish and French. When the order is made, the files will be sent to your e-mail within 48 hours.
Want to make the Camí dress? Get the pattern here!
I hope you’ll love it and thanks for your support!
Have a wonderful week!
Elle me plait enormementt! C'est carrement toi! Dommage que j'ai pas pu être une des testeuses, mais je vais la courde un jour, c'est sur! T'as vraiment reussi a reproduire l'ambiance des annees 50! Felicitations!
Merci Inna!
Pauline que bonito!!!! Me encanta!!! Lo quierooooooo!
¡Gracias Maider!
I think it's a lovely pattern. I would buy it in hard copy.
I wish you every success with this. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's versions.
Thanks Alice!
I love the dress, Pauline. It's just the perfect shirt dress 🙂
Thanks so much Elena!
Congratulations Pauline!!! It is a lovely dress, and you can tell it is you who designed it!! Feminine and glamorous, very much like yourself. I am sure your will be very successful!!
Thank you so much Miren! Fingers crossed!
Congratulations! *^o^* The cuffs and the collar are a very cute details.
oish! qué chulo el vestido le veo un montón de posibilidades 🙂 Besos!
¡Gracias Alicia!
I love love love this! I think it is safe to say ill be making it in a near future… I really hope this pattern business works well for you!
Thanks so much Joelle! I am sure you'll look as lovely as always in it:)
Gorgeous pattern, well done!
Thanks Donna!
Felicidades Pauline por tu primer patron! Es una modelito precioso!
¡Gracias Florencia!
Awesome, Pauline!!! Congrats on your first sewing pattern – I absolutely adores the 3/4 cuffed sleeves – so perfect for fall! 🙂
Thanks so much Sally! I am planning to make a 3/4 sleeve version as a sewalong on the blog very soon.
Realmente adorable!enhorabuena pauline!!
¡Muchas gracias Isa! ¡Sabes que tu ayuda ha sido imprescindible!
Es precioso Pauline, como me gusta, ya he visto a Sonia y a Mari Cruz. Felicidades!
¡Muchas gracias Ana! Ya lo tienes, gracias por el apoyo! Las versiones de Sonia y Mari Cruz son tan bonitas… Espero ver la tuya pronto 🙂
Congratulations on your first pattern!! You should be so proud of yourself for working so hard and designing such a cute dress!
Thanks Lisa!
Hi Pauline!
Your pattern looks good and I wish you success with it. I´m sure gonna make my own Cami!
Thanks Päivi!
Oh wow this is so cute! Love the collar, full skirt and dolman sleeves!
Thanks so much Meg! bout the sleeves, they are regular sleeves (but they do look like dolman ones on the illustration, sorry for the confusion).
Enhorabuena Pauline!te deseo mucho exito
Gracias guapa!
Ha sido una gozada haber formado parte de esta aventura, te deseo lo mejor Pauline.
¡Muchísimas gracias Mari Cruz!
Congratulations!! The pattern is so cute! I love the sleeves!
Thanks Alice!
Cute! This is exactly what I've been looking for! Do you have a size chart posted anywhere? Thanks!
Hi Sarah, thanks! The size charts is in the PDF but that would be a good idea to have it in the pattern page. Let me see what I can do.
Hi Sarah, there's a link to see the size chart now: https://www.paulinealice.com/p/se.html
Félicitations, Pauline. C'est absolument joli! Les manches 3/4 très cool.
Merci Silvia!
This is gorgeous – I'm so going to make one asap! Well done for producing such a chic dress x
Thanks Lara! I've just sent you your pattern, I wish a great time sewing it!
Ya estoy aqui!!, por fin!!!.
Estas guapisima…pero ya te lo hecho muchas veces..pero no deja de ser verdad!!!.
Este tu primer patrón del que he sido una de las tester es tan bonito, tan lindo, tan femenino, tan favorecedor!!!, ainsss…
Que mucha muchisima suerte y cuenta conmigo para los siguientes patrones, bien como tester o como compradora.. porque no te pienso fallar!!!.
Suerte guapa!!
¡Muchísimas gracias Sonia! ¡Ha sido un placer "trabajar" contigo: tu versión de tester del Camí es preciosa, como tu! No te preocupes, cuento contigo! Un besito.
It's adorable, I love it! I saw Roisin's version and instantly swooned. Congratulations on your first pattern, and good luck!!
Thanks so much! Roisin's version is so pretty, thanks to her I already have a blue gingham version planned for myself…
Well done you, what a gorgeous frock! I hope to make this over the next few months!
Thanks so much! Hope to see your version very soon…
Bonjour Pauline,
J'ai découvert votre robe via T&N et je suis sous le charme…! J'avais justemment le projet d'une robe rétro 50's dans un joli tissu rouge à feuillage, j'avais repéré un modèle burda de robe chemisier, mais la votre me parait plus que parfaite !!!!!! Et tellement plus simple j'en suis sûre à réaliser, Bravo, vous faîtes un très très beau travail, et quel plaisir de suivre vos réalisations personnelles sur T&N.
A très vite pour un craquage je le sens…
Merci beaucoup Charlotte! Je suis ravie que le patron Camí te plaise. Ton blog est charmant et tes réalisations superbes (tout comme tes petits, super mignons).
A bientôt (peut-être pour le Sew-Along?)
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