Bravo! Vous avez réalisé de superbes robes!
C’est parti, commençons le show:
French seamstress, Charlotte from Hector&Celestine, made a lovely red and white Camí. Look at the fabric, isn’t it pretty? (I have the very same!).
Wow! Jen’s dress is amazing! Read more about it at her blog Tea for Two (she shares it with her twin sister, how cool is that?).
Kirsty’s gorgeous Liberty fabric looks so good. You can see more pictures of it here: Top notch.
Alicia did a great job with her Camí, I love the colourful fabric. She blogs at Una Modista de Pacotilla.
Another bold fabric: Claire from I want to be a turtle made a beautiful bright Camí. Perfect to brighten the coming winter…
Elle went for a total vintage look and I love the contrast cuffs, collar and button placket. If you want to read more about her dress, go check her blog Busy Elle Bee: she’s made a very complete review of the Sew-Along.
Maider from Masustak eguzkitan made such a pretty dress, I had to include a detail picture of the fabric (I want the same).
Smaida’s winter version is very elegant. See more pictures of her dress on her blog SewMeow.
Lara from Dreaming of Avonlea made a shirt version from the Camí pattern. Isn’t it great?
Nathalie was a pattern tester but her beautiful dress never got shown on the blog. It deserves to be as it was the first ever dress she made! See more on her blog Made in Home.
Si votre robe n’est pas là, envoyez-moi un email avec la photo (paulineyalice @ gmail.com) pour que je puisse l’ajouter!
Et maintenant le TIRAGE AU SORT!
L’heureuse gagnante du prochain patron pauline est………………..JEN de Tea for Two!
Merci à toutes pour avoir participé au Sew-Along, j’espère que vous avez passé un bon moment de couture avec la robe Camí.