Today I’m going to show you the versions of some of the amazing testers I had for the Alameda dress pattern (you might recognize them! What can I say, if the experience has been great, I like to repeat with the same testers… but keep on reading until the end if you are interested in being a tester).
I’m lucky to have testers from different countries (I need testing in 3 languages, remember) so let’s travel with them. Check out their blogs for the details and more pictures.
First stop is Madrid with Sonia:
Sonia made the Alameda dress with the pockets of the skirt (View B) and she chose to emphasize the princess seams with white piping. I love how flattering it looks! The blue and white fabric looks so fresh and summery, perfect for a sunny day in the spanish capital…
Annie packed her test version with her to go to Tuscany, and boy did she bring amazing pictures!!! Her Alameda smells of sun, olive oil, flowers in a wild field, of dolce vita…
After the sun of the Mediterranean, let’s go to a much colder horizon: Sweden with Joëlle. By using this beautiful black and white fabric with contrasting white piping, she made a dress easy to coordinate and to wear to a lot of different occasions.
Thanks to all the lovely ladies who volunteered to test the next patterns. I am now working on the next pattern testing so you might be contacted. Un fortunately, I won’t be able to ask all of you for this time, but I hope to be able to turn testers so keep checking your emails in the following months 😉 THANKS!!!
And now, are you interested in volunteering for testing the next patterns? Last time I asked for testers I was beginning and I thought it would be nice to make a new round and ask you if you would like to help me.
What you need to know:
-the schedule for testing is quite tight so please be sure you’ll be able to sew and meet the deadline.
-no need for any specific level (from beginner to advance, just mention it in the mail).
-please let me know your name, size (measurements or other pattern size for reference) and blog if you have one.
Many thanks!
Hello Pauline. I really like your designs but do you not have any plans at this stage to extend your size range at all?
Me again! I have just checked and actually you appear to have included a couple more sizes on this new dress design which is great! Thanks
Yes, the new patterns will now go up to size 48!
Me gustan todas las versiones Pauline. En esta semana te pedí los patrones y me los enviaste así que vas a tener otra versión más. El finde me liaré con el vestido.
Un beso
Tengo muchas ganas de ver tu vestido Marta!!!
Me gusta un montón las otras dos versiones. .pero el de la francesa Anie me chifla!!
Besitos guapa
Es que Annie hace unas fotos… ¿Y tu versión azul marino chica? Que chula!!! Vas a tener que hacer un tutorial pero estoy segura que todas las chicas me van a pedir como se hace esta falda (ya me lo han pedido algunas jeje).
Todas las versiones son estupendas, pero esas fotos de Annie son preciosas!! Me encanta la version de Sonia, dando enfasis al piping, lo mismo que el de Joëlle. Muy bonito!!!
Creo que da bastante juego este patrón, pero eso lo digo yo jeje. Ya tengo previsto 2 o 3 variaciones que van a estar muy chulas…
Very cute and flattering design.
Thanks Laura!
me encantan las tres versiones de tus testers 🙂 El detalle del volante es una monada. Besos!
Y faltan algunas que todavía no han publicado sus vestidos, así que atentas para más ideas! Un besito Alicia
Lovely dress. Can you tell me if you have included lengthen/shorten lines on the bodice?
There are no shorten/lenghten lines on the bodice but it can be added easily where it meets the waistband. Let me know if you have more questions.
These versions of your Alameda dress are stunning. I'm certainly saving up to buy the pattern. After making the Cami dress, I'm definitely after more of your patterns.
Thanks Nikki! Your Camí is really pretty, love the plaid colours!
Pretty prettiness. Another great pattern Pauline!
Thanks Nathalie!
Ces robes sont tout simplement magnifiques…Il faudrait que tu arrêtes de me tenter avec des nouveaux patrons tout le temps. J'ai déjà trop de retard sur ce que je voudrais coudre 😉
Désolée Sylvie 😉 Et merci beaucoup, je suis ravie que le nouveau te plaise…
J'adore le détail du passepoil! Vraiment joli!
Merci Silvia!