The new patterns are at the printer right now and I’m really looking forward to receive them!
In the mean time, I’ll show you the inspiration behind the “collection”.
Inspired by travel, the models are both chic and comfortable. Cruise or safari, which one is your style?
Moodboard: pinterestFabrics: les trouvailles d’Amandine
Can’t wait to release the collection!!!
Ohlala! I can't wait to see your new patterns!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are there enough exclamations marks? 🙂
Thanks Inna! I think you'll like them!
I can't wait to see them, the inspiration for both looks gorgeous
Thanks! The patterns are versatile enough to get both looks depending on the fabrics you choose.
What titillation – both mood boards are gorgeous!
Thanks Francesca!
J'adore <3
Merci, je suis ravie que ça vous plaise!
J'aime beaucoup le style safari qui me fait penser à l'ambiance du film "out of Africa". J'ai hâte de voir cette nouvelle collection!
C'est justement l'ambiance de Out of Africa qui m'a inspiré 😉
very promising!
Thanks Sasha, I hope you'll like it!
Sublime sélection !!
Et ce chemisier ultra romantique olalalalalalala.
Vivement !!!!!
Impatiente de voir tout cela ! J'aime beaucoup les deux ambiances.